Brian Jensen


Dr. Jensen received his Ph.D from the University of Delaware in 2001.  His research focused on how environmental cues helped alter lipid metabolism in the fish Fundulus heteroclitus during their reproductive cycle.  His post-doctoral experience at the University of Delaware examined the role of extracellular calcium in limiting differentiation in pre-adipocytes.  At the University of Pennsylvania, he worked to understand how ischemia altered gene transcription in endothelial cells.  

More recently, much of Dr. Jensen's focus has been on undergraduate education and improving educational outcomes for undergraduates.  He continues to work with undergraduate research students on projects integrating environmental change into biological actions.   

Education & Training

Ph.D. University of Delaware, 2001 - Comparative Physiology/Endocrinology
B.S. Siena College, 1993 - Biology

Postdoctoral Research
Postdoctoral fellow, University of Delaware, 2001-2002
Nation Research Service Award Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, 2002 

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